Day 4 in the bag!

The daily shred is over with, but I’m not as satisfied as I was on previous days. I struggled with today’s workout a lot. I just felt so drained. I struggled with the jumping jacks and jump rope, and I had to drop to my knees for the pushups earlier than the past three days.

Naptime was not in the cards for today, so I’m surviving on about five hours of sleep, and my tail is dragging badly. But I am glad that I got my workout in. No matter how tired I am, I always remind myself that no one ever regretted a workout, but they sure regret missing them!

This exhaustion really makes me worry though. I have struggled with feelings of sleep deprivation for a long time. I would estimate that I started falling asleep in class on a regular basis in sixth grade, and it’s been a constant problem since then. I also struggle with driving for extended periods of time because I get so drowsy. I went to the doctor for some blood tests when I was in college to rule out hypothyroidism, and all the results came back normal. This drowsiness really came to a head when my son was born until he was about eighteen months old, when he finally slept through the night. I was sleep deprived to the point where I felt like I was walking around in a fog all day and I would forget what I was saying mid-sentence.

What is the point of all this long-winded nonsense? This post at Healthy Tipping Point has had me really pondering finding a naturopath or holistic doctor to see if I can finally reach a resolution on what makes me feel so wiped all the time, no matter how much sleep I manage to get. I have many of the signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue that I’ve found by consulting Dr. Google, so who knows?

I’m also curious to find out if I have any gluten sensitivity, since many articles on diet I’ve read lately indicate that a majority of the population do have some form of sensitivity. I’ve been eating as little gluten-containing products as possible lately as an experiment, and everything seems to be running a little smoother, if ya know what I mean 😉

Getting back to the Shred, however, I caught my husband admiring my Lululemon Groove crops today, so I’m thinking that all the squats and lunges might be having a nice effect on the rear view 😀 I’ll take it, with some additional inner thigh toning please. Thanks Jillian!

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